Between Heaven and Earth

A discussion on industries, online marketing, my board game store and the Internet in general

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Location: Vancouver, Canada

Friday, October 31, 2008

One step down...

Well, I finished the updates on all the products. the big problem? Now I have to individually find the links for all the products nad make sure that they match up wtiht the old one's in a little excel file so that when we do the u pdate, we can make sure that everything ets automatically rerouted. Now why is this important?

Well, SEO purposes obviously but don't forget as well, i have my google adwords accounts hitting each individual page at the moment too. Ooh that should e fun.

Gods, i really, really hope that we get an increase in conversion rates. Whenever this thing ever goes live.

time to head off now. Halloween is here.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

I hate the damn exchange rates. I really do.

This is the second time we're getting slammed by it, as it goes down now instead of up.

Oy! One day it's going to actually be stable. Really. It will.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Online stores and bricks and mortars

We recently received an anonymous e-mail from a coward stating how horrible we online stores are for discounting board games. How we are destroying the industry because the local stores are the 'face' of the industry and without them, we lose new gamers, etc.

Blah blah, blah blah, blah blah.

Firstly, I don't know how many of you actually ever ended up becoming a real gamer by just wandering into a local gaming store. I doubt the numbers are high.

Secondly, it's not my business to keep your local store alive. It's my business to get my own online board games store up and running and the best in Canada. And eventually, North America.

Do we want a retail location? Possibly. But once we go retail - we are so going to do it in a fashion to discount the games still. So exactly how is that going to help your case?

The thing that really gets me is the fact that he was so brave, he sent it via a non-working e-mail account. What bravery.