Between Heaven and Earth

A discussion on industries, online marketing, my board game store and the Internet in general

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Location: Vancouver, Canada

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Creating links

So how do you get your site up. Well, first and foremost is content. The mroe and more relevant and good content you have, the vbetter search engines like you. So if you have a lot of articles, lot os fposts and details about things, the search engines are likley to find you a lot more interesting. Which will give you a better PR rating.

The other side of the question is creating links - which means you need to either a) hope people will ink to you or b) go out and find links yourself.

Most people trade reciprocal links. For themost part, that's not that bad, though you do want to try to keep all those reciprocal link trading to one main page if possible. That way, you only really direct the PR that you have on that page outwards, while keeping the PR (page rank) in your other pages within the site itself and a few carefully chosen sites.

When trading links, omst people want a reciprocal link. T hat is, you link to them, they link to you. Very few people, when contacted will be willing to place a link to you for nothing in return. The other choice for getting one way links are...

Buying them. Yes, you can buy links. Buying PR. Mostly, when buying links, if you have the money to do it, keep in mind a few things. Firstly, make sure the site is not currently being banned. Secondly, it should have a PR of at least 4 or 5 (and if they have a PR rating at all, they will not be banned). Thirdly, the site must be relevant. A site that is not at all relevant linking to you will be of little use. Make sure it's relevant to the kind of site you are writing. That way, you can direct links to yourself and back again.

Alright, that's pretty much it for now onlinks. It's that easy - just find people who are writing about the same things as you are, trade links with them and wait.

Oh yeah, definitely wait.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Google adwords up

And it's running.

So, thats another way to get money theoratically.

Now, about ad serving.

There are four major types of payment methods out there when you serve

CPC, CPM and CPA and set schedules

CPC- Cost per click is paid to you everytime someone actually clicks on the ads you serve. Good if you have a lot of relevant advertisements and new people coming in all the time

CPM - Cost per Impression (1000). That means everytime your advertisement shows up, it's counted as 1 impression. You get paid for each thousand of impression. If you have a lot of content and a regular reader base, this is possibly a better way to work it out

CPA - Cost per action. This pays whenever those who click through act on something. Basically, the same idea as Affiliates.

Set schedules - these are paid for hosting someone's advertisement on your site for a specific period of time, normally either weekly or monthly.

Alright, that's it for today