Between Heaven and Earth

A discussion on industries, online marketing, my board game store and the Internet in general

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Location: Vancouver, Canada

Friday, January 30, 2009

Yeah, your website just needs to do some SEO and...

Okay, rant on.

If I hear the words 'SEO' and 'Just get on the first page of Google' from the mouth of another layma when they are talking about either (a) my business or (b) the website they just put up for themselves, I will bitch slap them.

I do this for a living. And I'm not a fly-by-night operator. I used to get paid a LOT of money for what I did, and I'm not even the best in the world. I spend more time reading up on this shit than you do - and 1 article in your damn business section of your paper doesn't count. Or magazine. Hell, 2 doesn't.

Search Engine Optimisation is a frigging complex thing when you really get into the details - the basic is really simple, the rest of it, is vastly complicated. I KNOW I just scratch the surface on SEO - and I've spent hours every week doing it. There are specialists who spend their entire working lives learning and doing this.

So blithely throwing words like that around is just asking for me to bitchslap you. E-commerce is no longer an easy get rich scheme. That was 10 years ago at a minimum. Nowadays, it's hard work and actual professionalism that will get you there, if you don't have an existing website.

End rant.


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