Between Heaven and Earth

A discussion on industries, online marketing, my board game store and the Internet in general

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Location: Vancouver, Canada

Friday, December 05, 2008

JW Inglis fundraiser

So we've been putting together a fundraiser for a while and it happened last night. I just heard from the organiser (VP of the PAC) that it went very well and people had a lot of fun. I'm hoping she has more information and she's promised to do a large order over the weekend as well.

So yes! If this works out really well, I might make it a point over the new year to actually put together this information and approach various PAC / PTA's in BC to see if they would be interested in something like this.

I think it would be a great new revenue source and frankly, a great way to introduce them to new games too. I might have to do a bit more groundwork in placing together a 'set' series of games, etc. but I think it could work out very well.

We shall see.

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